
Quality Assurance Company: Dedicated Testing Team Can’t Fully Replace Programming Team

Having a team of highly experienced testers does not necessarily mean that you can avoid resorting to service of programmers. These words should sound like an axiom.. Quality assurance company hires experienced testers to verify and validate software products throughout their entire development lifecycle. As a result, customers receive the best programs that satisfy their needs and even exceed expectations.

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Independent Software Testing Services: What For?

Independent software testing services are used to find errors and shortcomings in the programs, to write bug reports and make this information available to everyone who needs it. Testing service manager does not make any decisions regarding release of the products, he only provides the executive management with information about how thoroughly the product is tested and what its quality

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What Causes Demand for Services of Software Test Company During the Lifecycle Phases

Software products are tested and modified literally during each phase of their development life cycle. At that, the further the development work proceeds, the more costly the services of Software Test Company become. Quality assurance process is carried out during all stages of the software lifecycle, specifically while: specifying quality characteristics for software assets; ensuring quality control at various development

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Quality Assurance Consulting: Review Of the Development Stages

A software development process can be divided into several stages. First of all, it is planned, and then created; the next steps involve analyzing the results, correcting them, if necessary; then the product is made available to its users who begin to exploit it, and marketing department staff analyze user demand. When the product will occupy the place in a

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Documenting and Analyzing Software Bugs As an Integral Part of App Testing Service

Bug report is a technical document that contains a complete description of a software bug including information about the bug itself (short description, severity, priority) and the conditions under which it was introduced in the program.


Reasons Why QA Testing Companies Cannot Check The Program’s Response to Each Input Combination

As usual, a very simple program is only able to add two-digit numbers. But sometimes there can be an overwhelming size of possible input data for running such a program. To fully examine this program, it is necessary to carry out a wide variety of tests. You Should Check all the valid input values Even a simple program must correctly

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What Does Quality Control Company Define As a Software Bug?

Unfortunately, it’s unreal to develop an ideal software which is free of bugs. It is people who create any program, and they are fallible. All of the products contain bug, sometimes even after release. In the article we will analyze, what IT specialists mean by “program error”.


Quality Assurance Consultants: Different Opinions of Project Development Team Members

Testers, project managers, programmers and the other team members may very much disagree about a particular problem report. Sometimes their differences cause desperate disputes. To help the cause, we must first enable registering an opinion of each of the project participants. Quality assurance consultants advise you about the means used to accomplish this procedure: The degree of Importance and Priority.

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Quality Assurance Consultant: Static Testing vs. Dynamic Testing

Static testing, or dry run testing, in the form of software testing where the code is examined without being executed. It is reviewed manually or with the use of different software testing tools. Dynamic testing, on the contrary, requires the program to be executed while interacting with it. Two basic strategies such as black box test design technique and glass

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Software QA Consulting Services: People Involved in Development of IT Products

Mission-critical software is rarely developed by a couple of individuals: usually this work is done by groups of people, sometimes quite numerous ones. In such a group, called a development team, all members carry their own roles and responsibilities. Even if you have to create programs single-handedly or together with a friend, it simply means that you at a time

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