
Testing Of The Mobile Applications

Today, the cost of error in the final version of the mobile application is extremely high: the negative assessments and feedbacks from the first users can alienate the new ones, thus preventing the project from taking the leading positions. The updating (defects elimination) for the mobile applications is realized with a delay because of the process of harmonization of the

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Testing of the mobile applications

Today, the cost of error in the final version of the mobile application is extremely high: the negative assessments and feedbacks from the first users can alienate the new ones, thus preventing the project from taking the leading positions. The updating (defects elimination) for the mobile applications is realized with a delay because of the process of harmonization of the

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Testing Of The Web-Applications

Testing of the web-applications is the process of verification of the client-server products, posted on the Internet, which often includes the support of many interdependent elements. The efficiency, profitability and, in general, the user assessment of information systems largely depends on the quality of their design. Any software error can cause the financial losses of the company, and vice versa-

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Automated Software Testing

Generally, the automation of software testing implies the verification of testing scenarios in automatic mode. The main advantage of this approach is a significant reduction of labor and cost for the long-term projects and a minimization of human factor. Besides, software testing automation allows realizing a lot more unique testing scenarios, forming the necessary depth of system verification. On the

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Cross-Browser Testing

For cross-browser testing you can use three approaches. 1) If you have all the devices on which you want to check your website, just take these devices and check. It is possible, using the optimization of this process. 2) If you have any other questions, but need to test on a limited number of browsers and devices, it is possible

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How Is The Testing Happening?

The process of testing largely depends on how the project and the goals set by the testers go on. Unfortunately, there is no universal answer to this question. Generally, the sequence of quality assurance and testing services is as follows: Analysis and planning; Testing of documentation. In this case, the testers check the completeness of demands, their consistency, duplication and

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Software Testing Lab: Basic Tools of a Tester

There are many tools used by testers to verify software products in the most effective way. This equipment is often available in software testing lab to be within easy reach when necessary. There are many programs of the kind: these are designed to compare two files and then inform if they differ from each other – provide a list of

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Contribution of Technical Writing Service to Development of User Guide

User manual is created stepwise. The process involves 4 stages: Development of basic structure and strategy for the book Preparation Production Launch The testers focus their main efforts on preparing a user guide. It is designed and made ready for publication by relevant specialists. Before being published, the book is thoroughly tested by the technical writer to ascertain that all

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Third Party Software Testing Services: Ways to Search for Equivalence Classes

Determine The Numerical Value Ranges Every time when a new range of values ​​is detected, together with them, several equivalence classes appear. Typically, there are three inadmissible classes among them, all numbers which are less than the lower limit of the range, all numbers greater than its upper limit value, and non-numeric data. Sometimes one of these classes is unavailable.

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The Purpose of Automated Software Testing

Using a completely automated instrument, software testing is anticipated to save time, comply with the standards, and increase the product quality. Software testing is very relevant for the software industry. It is normal to train the testing engineers at the start of the new project. The skills of the staff levels improve during the team work, and the scope of

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