Independent Software Testing Company: Product User Data Analysis

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Quality is a complicated notion. High-quality software product must have all the necessary capabilities that matter to the user and not to contain errors. And, above all, the quality of the product can be properly evaluated by gathering honest user feedback on the product.

Independent software testing company works to determine whether software under development performs its functions as intended.

If you develop the next versions of the product as its initial releases are ready, be sure to analyze the information provided by its users, and start to do the work as soon as possible.

There Are a Number of Ways to Get Customer Feedback:

  • Press. It includes magazines and newspaper articles, reviews, critical reviews, Usenet.
  • Letters from users. Read all the letters received, especially the longest of them.
  • Customer phone calls. If your company is big, you are most likely to be receiving lots of customer calls, but it will take so much time to answer them all, therefore you should ask the technical support staff to provide you with a summary of the types of complaints and the number of calls relating each of the issues. These people will most probably be able to track up to 15 categories of user complaints. Combine your own efforts with theirs to make a complete list of the most important issues that you think need to be handled first.

Mobile testing service comes in handy if you experience problems with your mobile app. This is used to ensure that mobile experience works correctly for its customers.  

  • Discussion groups and other interviews with the selected users. Marketing group employees often interview small groups of users to find out what they think about certain issues. Sometimes, the people want to know user opinion about the new ideas, but, in other cases, – they strive to get the customer feedback on the product which is already installed. If possible, be sure to participate in all of these discussions.
  • Telephone surveys. The staff of the marketing department can ring up half a hundred or a hundred of users and ask them what changes they would like to see in the next version of the product and what especially irritates them in the current version. You can call even registered users, and those of them who called to make their own complaints, and ask them the same questions. These surveys should focus on judging the reliability of the product.

Penetration testing company identifies security vulnerabilities so that you can stop worrying about the things that you have no control over. It is time to prevent intruders from stealing your private data.


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