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Structural errors occur when punching the code (typing a program). What are these failures? If someone worked in the Microsoft Visual Basic development environment, then he or she knows that if you type the If statement, then comparison character and press the Enter key without typing the Then word, Visual Basic will indicate that a compilation error has occurred.

This is not entirely true, since compilation in Visual Basic only occurs directly when executing a program command. In this case, we are dealing with a structural typing error.

This type of error is determined either when punching the code (IDE itself) (Integrated Development Environment), or when compiling it, if the environment does not distinguish the first two types of errors.

 This type of error includes such things as: inconsistency between the number of opening parentheses and the number of closing ones, the absence of a pair operator (for example, try without catch), incorrect use of syntactic signs, etc.

In many software development environments, this type of errors is combined with the next error type, since early detection of errors causes some inconvenience when typing software programs (for example, you have decided to write something, and then remembered that missed the statement at the beginning, then the development environment could generate an error when you would try to change the line).

Once again, it should be noted that this type of error is quite unique and is classified as a separate type only by some software development environments.

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Compilation errors occur because of errors in the text of the code. They include syntax errors, incorrect use of language constructs (the else statement in the for statement, etc.), the use of non-existent objects or properties, methods for the objects.

The development environment (the compiler) detects these errors when the application is subjected to normal compilation and reports the effects of these errors. It is necessary to emphasize the word “effects” – since this is very important thing to do. The fact is that often, when discussing errors, we do not see the difference between a symptom of the error and the very error, although this is not the same thing. For example, an “unspecified class” error does not mean that the class is not defined. It can be unconnected, because the class package is not connected.


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