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Quick Testing

Fast application testing service is performed when the iteration development is finished if the build won’t be released.

Smoke tests are performed first, in order to understand if there is any sense to test the build. Then, testers proceed to all completed tasks and fixed errors per iteration and check carefully the matching of results with task description. If the task included new UI elements, then it is sent to designers for reconciliation with layouts.

Incorrectly completed tasks are reopened. Bugs are logged in Jira. After this, testers should perform functionality testing services  of this iteration.

If you have found bugs not covered by test cases, you should create a new test case.

Full Testing

Full testing is performed before the release. It includes a quick test, regression testing, monkey testing on 100 devices and testing updates.

Regression testing implies running all the test cases for the project. It takes a day-three on one device depending on the project.

Testing updates – is an important step. Almost all the applications store data locally and it is important to make sure that after an application update all user data will be saved. Tester downloads the build from the market, creates a persisted data, updates the application on the test build and ensures that everything is in its place. Then performs smoke tests. The process is repeated on 2-3 devices.

Developers often forget about migrating data from older versions and updates-testing has enabled to identify a number of critical bugs with falls, removing user data about purchases. This has saved more than one application from angry reviews and audience loss.

At the end of full testing, in addition to the letter, a detailed report shall be drawn up manually.

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