QA Consultants Highlighted 5 Tips to Perform an Efficient Testing

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Everyone knows that theory is right, but practice costs more, especially when it comes to IT testing services. To become a professional specialist in independent software testing company, one needs a rich experience and passion for one’s business.

Just saying ‘we do software testing’ does not magically make your software better or even your testing processes correct and optimized. Our specialists prepared the number of tips to broaden your experience in software testing as a service.

#1. Be the Part of testing Since Early Stages

Having the testers’ participation from the early stages of software development life-cycle became a good practice. Why is it like this? First, testers possess a good understanding of requirements set by a client. They can cover the comprehensive test cases, perform test environment that further will result in preventing of delays, etc.

#2. Have a Cautious Test Plan

One of the key aspects of performing a successful testing is to have a good test plan. An experienced and qualified specialist, like QA lead or PM, should write this test plan. The good test plan must cover Scope of testing, test objectives, budget limitations, deadlines, test execution schedule, risks identifications and more.

#3. Store Wisely

 To store documents wisely will help you to avoid the following issues, as scattering docs over an email address, intranet or file server. If storing in a right way, it will assist in increasing the docs productivity and improve their availability. Documents should be stored in the centralized location.

#4. Perform Testing from Early Stages

 It has been established that the majority of bugs are detected in the testing phase, which is already introduced in the requirement or design phase. Detected defects in SDLC will cost more to fix than identified errors in the early stage.

#5.  Start Writing Testing Cases Early

 If you start writing test cases during early phase of SDLC then you will understand whether all requirement are testable or not. While writing test cases first consider Valid/Positive test cases which cover all expected behavior of application under test. After that you can consider invalid conditions/negative test cases.

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