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Penetration testing as a service is popular among software testing companies worldwide because it assures the information security of the system. As a rule, an intensive verification is subjected to a technical security means of enterprise network and some other security aspects.

The main objective of pen testing service is to protect the information system from an authorized attempt to hack it. The penetration testing process assumes the modeling of the hacker’s actions, searching for the system vulnerabilities and their following exploitation.

This testing type provides testers and their customers with an independent assessment and expert opinion about the security state of confidential information. The next important step is the formation of a detailed report, which contains not only the information about security state of information but also some recommendations on the elimination of defects and vulnerabilities.

Penetration testing services are necessary because due to them the customers can save a good reputation of their companies and products and escape money losses.

Software testers use different tools for performing penetration testing and our company singled out the best ones:


Best tools for penetration testing services

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