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Dynamic testing can start with unit testing and end with acceptance testing. Dynamic testing strategies fall into two categories: namely, black box approach and white box approach. Typically, white-box testing strategy is applied to unit and system levels of software testing, while black-box testing strategy is applied to system and acceptance levels of software testing.


The goal of unit testing is to ascertain that all the intended features are implemented in the code and that the overall capabilities of the product are consistent and the software unit is executed correctly. During the unit testing drivers and stubs are often used to assist in conducting testing. They mimic the behavior of the missing program’s components. In system testing, a GUI is usually used to manage system features created by several modules or subsystems.


The purpose of system testing is to make sure that all interfaces between the modules or subsystems match the input and output parameters, and that other shared or transmitted data are correct, such as records and database fields, shared GUI screens or shared communication lines.


People use multi-platform testing services to verify performance and functionality of a given software product on one or more platforms.  


System testing can begin immediately after the completion of system tests for all modules, or at least those that form the main subsystem. System testing should fully focus on such aspects as performance, scalability, availability, environmental resiliency and overall applicability to end users.


In the course of acceptance testing, software products that are candidates for delivery to the market are investigated to determine their acceptability with end users. If you use the rapid test methodology to pass through all these stages of the test life cycle, less and less time is required, since most of the errors are detected and eliminated in the early stages of development.


The formal assessment allows the organization / project management to monitor the development process, including reviewing reports and taking corrective actions with respect to costs, human resources, computer resources, technical problems, critical interdependencies and likely miscalculations. The secretary should record the actions on which agreements were reached during the meeting, and upon its completion the list of selected actions should be distributed among the actors and monitored until all actions are implemented.


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