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Cross-browser testing is exactly what its name means. This is a testing in several browsers, as well as the performance testing of the product without any dependencies or compromises on quality. It can be used both for websites, web applications and for mobile applications.

There are two types of applications for the intended purpose:

1. Applications designed for companies to internally track all processes, resources, inventory, etc.

2. Applications for end users, for example, an application to buy products from the company above.

Obviously, it is reasonable to use cross-browser testing for the “2” application, since it is impossible to control which browsers / platforms / versions the end user will use.

Everything is not so critical for the “1” application. If all the company’s internal computers use Windows 10 computers with a Chrome browser, so, there is no need to search or test anything else with this application.

Therefore, we can conclude that this type of testing is mainly used for “client applications”.

But, what is the purpose of cross-browser testing? It gives us answers to the questions:

1. Is the page different in different browsers?

2. Does the functionality work correctly in all browsers?

Fortunately, the choice of platforms and browsers, fortunately, is not the responsibility of the tester because the solution comes from the client. Typically, a team of business analysts and marketers collect traffic usage statistics to narrow the amount of supported browsers and platforms.

Of course, a cross-browser testing can be done manually – several machines, several operating systems, several browsers. Of course, this will be done qualitatively but it will also lead to a lot of problems and big investments.
There are many tools available on the market to simplify this task. These tools help to cope with one or more tasks:

1.    Tools that provide VPN which make it possible to connect to remote computers and check the operation and execution of your JAVA, AJAX, HTML, Flash and other pages. Most of them are safe, but since you send your information to a third party, it is recommended that you conduct a specific analysis at your discretion.

2.    Tools for synchronizing browsers.

3.    Tools that allow you to view the page at multiple screen resolutions.

4.    Tools for video recording or screenshots that allow you to send a file with a problem for further analysis.

5.    Tools for testing private pages that require authentication for access.

And finally, it should be noted that any testing is useful when it is conducted at an early stage, so you should start it as soon as the first pages appear. It can also be done when the website is fully integrated and already functioning but this process will become an expensive and will carry more risks.



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